New 2010 Appearance Date
March 13, 2010 - 10:10
Frank Hijuelos, Newburgh, Indiana, Director of
Planning and Development, has invited me to speak at
Newburgh in honor of History Preservation week on
Saturday, May 8, 6 PM, at the Old Abshire Ice House
downtown next to the Newburgh Town Hall. I am
preparing a completely new speech for the event
titled, The Newburgh Civil War Home Guard before,
during, and after the Confederate Raid of July 18,
1862. I have done extensive research on the
Newburgh Home Guard and it is a subject that I love
to get into. So, although I will be talking about the
Confederate Raid detailed in Thunder From a Clear
Sky, most of the information that I'll be
talking about will be new to any audience and not
covered in any book. I invite everyone to come.